Hazeldene School

Attendance and Absence

Children attending school regularly is crucial and has a significant impact on their attainment and development. 

Everyday Matters....

We expect children at Hazeldene School to attend school regularly, every day if possible. Where we have attendance concerns, parents will be contacted and support offered. Where persistent concerns remain, an ‘Attendance Action Plan’ will be drawn up and agreed. We may also work with other agencies to ensure that your child can attend school for as many days as possible.

Every Minute Counts

The classroom doors open at 8:40am (Reception to Year 6) and 8:45am (Nursery) Your child is expected to enter school on time as lessons start promptly once the children are in school, it is important that they are not late.

5 minutes late a day = 3 days lost per year
10 minutes late a day = 6 days lost per year
15 minutes late a day = 10 days lost per year
30 minutes late a day= 19 days per year lost

Children do not like being late or absent from school! It can affect them in many ways. For example, once your child has arrived late and sat down into class, it may take them longer than normal to settle and to focus on the task. Being late may have social implications, lower attainment and disrupt other children too.

If your child is sick?

If you think your child is ill you must phone the school office straight away on 01234 300100 and press 1 to report the absence. If you have sent them in and they’re really not well, we’ll phone you to come and pick them up. Absences due to over sleeping or because of a holiday booked during term time cannot be authorised. The County Council may choose to fine you if your child is absent without authorisation.

 What you can do to help

Only allow days at home for genuine illness. If you’re in doubt, bring your child to school; we can always call you if we feel your child needs to go home due to illness. No parents are allowed to take children on holiday during term time. Please try to make medical appointments outside of school time. When this can’t be avoided, make sure that your child is returned to school as soon as possible after an appointment. Children who have high attendance rates make better progress in their learning.

Leave of Absence

Holidays should not be booked in term time. Owing to changes in government legislation schools are no longer able to authorise absence for family holidays. Please be aware that if you decide to take your child on holiday during term time you may be subject to a fine.

If you wish you request a holiday please complete the form below.   Please note one form needs to be filled out per child.

Leave of Absence form