Hazeldene School

Care Club

Hazeldene Care Club is based at the school and benefits from its own dedicated building and facilities as well as having access to the schools play area and sports field.

Care Club is run by Mrs N Sangster with Mr Wilson being the Care Club Manager.

We have now moved to ParentMail for bookings.  If you are not a regular user of Care Club but would like to use it, please email [email protected].  

*Please note you can continue paying via childcare vouchers as before and payments will be reconciled once a week.

Contact Information

Please contact 01234 300100 press option 7 for Care Club or email [email protected]

Care Club Hours
Morning 8.00-8.45 £4.50
Afternoon 1 3.20-5:00 £6.75
Afternoon 2 5:00-5:45 £3.25
Late 5:45+ £10 for every 15 mins

Ofsted Registration Number: 109506

Fee Structure

Care Club is available from 8.00am until school starts in the morning at a cost of £4.50.  For children attending in the afternoon the first session, after school until 5pm, is charged at a flat rate of £6.75 regardless of the amount of time used and then an additional late session, from 5pm until 5.45pm, is charged at £3.25.

  • Fees can be paid by voucher, cheque, electronic transfer or direct debit.
  • If you are late picking up at 5pm you will be charged the additional late session cost regardless of the time your child is collected unless after 5.45pm and the following additional cost is charged.
  • Late pick up fee is £10 for every 15 minutes. Please note staff are only insured to look after your child at Care Club until 5.45pm.
  • Fees are charged for booked sessions whether the child attends or not.

As we have to ensure the correct ratio of staff to children additional charges will be introduced for pupils dropped off at Care Club but not booked in. These are £10 an hour.

The terms and conditions have changed and the new terms and conditions can be found here.

Equal Opportunities

All children and adults are valued as individuals without racial, gender or disability stereotyping. Every individual within the Childcare setting is positively encouraged to promote and develop a holistic attitude towards race, culture, language, disability, special needs and language. 

The employment of staff will reflect this policy in that any successful candidate will be made fully aware of their role in promoting these positive attitudes. Any discriminatory remarks or behaviour within the Childcare setting will be challenged.

Child Protection

The child Protection policy within the club will be that of the school’s and will strictly follow both Bedfordshire and national guidelines.

Positive Behaviour

Children in the Care Club will be encouraged to behave in a positive manner. They will have the opposite skills to negative behaviour modelled for them – for example closing a door quietly and moving safely and correctly around a room. In this way unacceptable behaviour can be dealt with by telling a child what they are doing that is wrong and then describing the behaviour that the child should adopt.

If a child is misbehaving this will be brought to the child’s attention along with the strategies of diverting the child’s attention, removing temptation and changing the setting.

Children will not be intimidated, made to appear foolish, deprived of food and drink or isolated. Parents will be informed if there is an ongoing problem.

If a child exhibits behaviours that are persistently disruptive or harmful then the Club can exercise the right to ask for that child to be removed.

Late collection Policy

You will have been given a letter detailing our late collection policy- if you need more clarification please ask a member of staff.

Security Policy

Everything within our powers is done to guarantee the safety of your children while they are at Care Club, to help us with this may we ask that parents work with us and make staff aware if anyone not known to the Care Club is dropping off and particularly picking up your child- if staff are not sure they will not release a child to a person they do not know.

For the general safety of all please do not answer the Care Club door, this should only be done by a member of staff.

Change of Circumstances

It is very important that we keep the records of your child up to date. If any details change throughout the year please pass them on so that our records can be amended.

Medication Policy

Childcare staff cannot administer medication to children without written consent from a parent. Medicines must be handed to a member of staff by a parent or carer so that the medicine can be put in a safe place away from all the children.

Please be aware that we cannot administer any Paracetamol® based medication and that we can only administer medication that has been prescribed by a Doctor. 

Children who are ill should be looked after at home for the sake of the child, other children and members of staff.

If you have any questions or enquiries please contact the Care Club.